Seeking support hospitality sector on implementation of EU2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth the Self-Assessment tool “Smart Hospitality” (iHSAT) was created.
This virtual tool is designed to help entrepreneurs look at their routine business practices in comparison with the benefits of circular economies and identify areas in which new / improved solutions should be developed and adapted.
It provides opportunities to assess the level of achievement of the circular economy on the qualitative growth scale: physical, economic, green, sustainable and smart. In this scale Green growth is in line with the literature to "Circular economy 1.00", Sustainable - "Circular economy 2.00" qualities. Each successive stage of growth extends to more self-regulatory cycles. And smart growth makes it possible to get closer to the complete understanding of the circular economy and could be named as "Circular economy 3.00". Paulauskas S., CIRCULAR ECONOMY 3.00: TOURISM SERVICE CASE
To determine the level of innovation for the sequence of activities of a tourism cycle, an SME can be assessed in terms of the suitability of used business models and technical solutions for the quality of the circular economy. The tool provides the ability to identify existing office, manual, energy and material saving reserves.
Consumers can find cutting-edge business and technology solutions that can help reduce business costs and increase profitability, thereby contributing to the sustainability of materials and energy resources envisaged in the EU's Circular economy strategy.
"Smart Hospitality" are intended for multiple use. To measure progress, self-assessment results can be compared with past evaluations. It is always useful to compare the parameters of your circular economy with the achievements of other tourism companies in your country, region or wordwide.
Self-assessment is part of development of the Comprehensive Circular Economy. When it comes to its and to improve it, it is advisable to refer to the project's development of curriculum and consulting areas, where detailed information on the theory and practice of circular economy and professional advice on very specific business improvement issues are awaiting.